GT380 Frame assembly
Frame and swingarm ready to be assembled
As always on my blog, click on the images for a more detailed view.
All bolts are reused after cleaning and nickel plated.
The front and rear wheel bolts before and after nickel plating. I use the same old nickel plating kit from six years ago when I restored my GT750 A model.
Shock absorbers and centre stand mounted
Steering Stem:
Pictures from dismounting:
The bike has been upgraded previous with tapered roller bearings. I will of course keep it so. The steering stem is different and has no threads at the outer side like the original one, only internal threads. The bolt at the top looks ugly and I will make a custom build “nut” at the top so it looks as close to the original nut as possible. Will use my lathe and milling machine to do so + nickel plate the part.
Next step, machining the bolt:
Turning the 10mm axle on the lathe.
10mm fine pitch 1,25mm threads.
Machining on the milling machine.
Done and polished, before nickel plating.
Nickel plated.
Mounted, I’m very pleased 🙂