Browse Category: Dismounting of carburetors

Dismounting of carburetors

Before starting the disassembly process. 


20160903_110405 20160903_110341 20160903_110354 20160903_110228 20160903_110252 20160903_110327



20160903_120752 20160903_120607


Important to organize the parts. Use boxes, plastic bags and label well to keep track of which parts belongs to the Left, Center and Right carburetor.



Splitting the carbs (pictures usorted at the moment )

20160903_122556 20160903_123123 20160903_123415 20160903_123506 20160903_123805 20160903_123832


20160903_123858 20160903_162550 20160903_162454 20160903_151127 20160903_14341120160903_143446 20160903_143301 20160903_133453 20160903_133327 20160903_132643 20160903_132532 20160903_132039 20160903_131955 20160903_131701 20160903_131610 20160903_131536 20160903_131450 20160903_131256 20160903_131113 20160903_130929 20160903_130809 20160903_130659 20160903_130250 20160903_124207


20160903_182747 20160903_181506