Next step
The goal for this weekend is to finish off the sand blasting of the frame. In addition I did the sand blasting of the switches. I might do the paint work of the switches tomorrow.
Winter project
nice winter project, removal off rust and old paint.
Point of no return
In spite of all the warnings I have done the cut off. Please see the pictures before and after. The swingarm is also sandblasted to add a better grip for the paint.
The left picture where the swingarm is marked with a tape is before the cut off and the other one with tape is after the “crime”
Modify the swinging arm ?
Due to unoriginal weels there is almost no clearence to the swinging arm. Can I cut off about 6-7 mm on each side without doing any harm ?
Mission accomplished
Piece of cake, the engine is out of the frame:
Disassembling of the GT
The work has started. Disassembling of the GT. A lot of work to be done. I have to spend some more money as well. It was a good idea to get the bike inside the house. Now I can spend quality time in a warm location instead of working in a winter cold garage.
My new bike
I got the bike 1th of april 2011 (it was not a joke ). I had to drive 2730km to get the bike, the decision to by the bike was therefore based on the photos. We agree on the price and loaded the bike onto my wagon.