More paint work on Sunday night
In addition to the main frame I also did the following tonight:
ultrasonic cleaning of the part
priming with aluminium primer
more paint work
The restoration has been done two times. The first one before I was aware of the problem with bad crankshaft sealings. The second time I split the motor and got a crankshaft overhaul + new cylinder and pistons.
In addition to the main frame I also did the following tonight:
ultrasonic cleaning of the part
priming with aluminium primer
more paint work
The job this weekend: Sand blasting and paint work of the side and center stand:
The goal for this weekend is to finish off the sand blasting of the frame. In addition I did the sand blasting of the switches. I might do the paint work of the switches tomorrow.
nice winter project, removal off rust and old paint.
In spite of all the warnings I have done the cut off. Please see the pictures before and after. The swingarm is also sandblasted to add a better grip for the paint.
The left picture where the swingarm is marked with a tape is before the cut off and the other one with tape is after the “crime”
Due to unoriginal weels there is almost no clearence to the swinging arm. Can I cut off about 6-7 mm on each side without doing any harm ?
Piece of cake, the engine is out of the frame: